Why you should call your ex a cucking funt
If you have just com e out of a relationship or marriage I bet there is a lot of things you want to say to your ex-partner. A mixture of anger, regrets, sadness and sorrow all mixed into one. To try and get over your relationship you can write a letter to your ex to help you get closure and say goodbye. I tried this myself. I wrote a letter to my ex-husband. I called him all sorts of things. Cucking funt. Wh*re. Sl*t. That was just the beginning. 24 pages later, and I am still not finished. I still have things I want to say. Will you feel better after you have done this? Absolutely . After I did this it felt like a load was lifted from my shoulders. Thoughts I had ruminating in my mind were gone since they were no down on paper instead of being rotated in my mind. It was as if so many of my thoughts that were running through my head on a circular basis, were suddenly gone. Maybe you never got any closure? My ex-husband discarded me. One day, he stopped communicating...