
Why you should call your ex a cucking funt

If you have just com e out of a relationship or marriage I bet there is a lot of things you want to say to your ex-partner. A mixture of anger, regrets, sadness and sorrow all mixed into one. To try and get over your relationship you can write a letter to your ex to help you get closure and say goodbye. I tried this myself. I wrote a letter to my ex-husband. I called him all sorts of things. Cucking funt. Wh*re. Sl*t. That was just the beginning. 24 pages later, and I am still not finished. I still have things I want to say.  Will you feel better after you have done this?  Absolutely . After I did this it felt like a load was lifted from my shoulders. Thoughts I had ruminating in my mind were gone since they were no down on paper instead of being rotated in my mind. It was as if so many of my thoughts that were running through my head on a circular basis, were suddenly gone.  Maybe you never got any closure? My ex-husband discarded me. One day, he stopped communicating...

Goodbye ethnicity filter!

Grindr has long since removed the Ethnicity Filter from its app. Still, every day there are a handful of users who are still looking for it. The search log for this article includes " grindr bring back ethnicity filter",  " dating apps that filter ethnicity" and even the somewhat questionable search term "race filter grindr".  The Ethnicity filter on Grindr let you include/exclude profiles based on their ethnicity such as Black, White and Latino. In the same search log I also spotted one person who searched for "how to find generous guys on grindr". Whoever you are - it is more likely that someone generous is a mature gentleman than a "guy" and no there is no way of searching for gentlemen with a solid bank account on Grindr. Sorry. Grindr doesn't even allow the word "generous" in the profile text. Back to the filter . Somet...

My Regrets. My learning. Hope.

I married a narcissist who had led a double life seeing another man behind my back for years. One day he just discarded me. That was five years ago and now I want to share what I learned along the way.  Lwanda and I in happier times. San Francisco, April 2017. Today it's nearly 5 years since my life was completely changed. Turned upside down. It was in the summer of 2015 I met Lwanda. You can read the whole story in my post "Help! I married a narcissist!" . The short story is that I met what I thought was a wonderful young black guy, we got together and had what I thought was a wonderful relationship which led to us marrying. I really wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. Sadly he did not and had already secured someone else behind my back and had a relationship in parallel with him for several years. I gradually found out about all of this but to this day I have not had any explanation whatsoeve...