Goodbye ethnicity filter!
Grindr has long since removed the Ethnicity Filter from its app. Still, every day there are a handful of users who are still looking for it. The search log for this article includes " grindr bring back ethnicity filter", " dating apps that filter ethnicity" and even the somewhat questionable search term "race filter grindr". The Ethnicity filter on Grindr let you include/exclude profiles based on their ethnicity such as Black, White and Latino. In the same search log I also spotted one person who searched for "how to find generous guys on grindr". Whoever you are - it is more likely that someone generous is a mature gentleman than a "guy" and no there is no way of searching for gentlemen with a solid bank account on Grindr. Sorry. Grindr doesn't even allow the word "generous" in the profile text. Back to the filter . Somet...